Gladstone Branch News April 2021

Our much-anticipated Native Bee Workshop with Tim Heard finally came to fruition on 14th March with a total of 48 registrations for what turned out to be an excellent day. Of those registrations 29 were non ANBA members which goes to show the level of interest within the community. Hopefully we will now gain more new members

The workshop was a mix of very informative presentations by Tim and outdoor activities with a number of hives being split including an AA log split by “Queen Bee” Floss Henderson, you can imagine her joy when she located the AA Queen hiding in a cavity within the log and was able to transfer it into the box unharmed

A big thank you must go firstly to Fitzroy Basin Association for their grant, allowing us to conduct the workshop at a very reasonable price. Secondly to the Calliope Bowls Club for providing the venue, lunch and morning and afternoon tea

The final part of this workshop is for the presentation of a native bee hive to the Tondoon Botanical Gardens as a tribute to a past member Ruth Crosson who was taken from us. The hive will not only be a reminder of Ruth’s environmental contribution over many years but also as a community education tool about the benefit of native bees. Whilst the hive has already been placed in the gar-dens, we are planning an official unveiling most likely at this year’s Ecofest in the gardens. Watch this space.

From all the mail coming in through our Facebook page, members are certainly putting want they learnt at the workshop into practice and with the favorable conditions we have experienced recently there are some very healthy hives around

For more info on branch activities, visit our Facebook page ANBA Gladstone Branch