Wide Bay Branch – August 2023

The Wide Bay ANBA Branch held its AGM and General Meeting at Graeme and Joy’s house recently. The meetings were followed by a discussion on chapter 9 of the Australian Native Bee Book, “Constructing Hive Boxes for Native Stingless Bees.” Each month, members select a chapter to read before the topic is discussed at the meeting. This month, our group also had a show and tell with members bringing along hive boxes. It was interesting to hear the why and how of box designs and learn how differently each of the boxes were built, especially the range of material used for viewing windows. The most interesting hive box attempted was in fact a reuse/upcycle of a vending machine bowl. Members shared the concepts behind their hive designs and their construction techniques and the trials of non-uniform lumber in the building process. Brendan brought along a native bee flow hive and explained the concept behind its design.
Members continue to add plants to our plant list. These are plants that members have noticed their bees forage on and members have shared seedlings of some of the favourite bee plants.

At our September meeting we will discuss chapter 12 on Honey and will be given a demonstration of harvesting honey.
The branch is in the planning stages of hosting an Ian Driver workshop in Bundaberg in November, similar to the workshop earlier this year. Tim Heard is holding a workshop in Bundaberg on Friday 1 September that will be targeted to growers and pollination.
From Stephen Curran, Secretary, Wide Bay Branch
For more info on branch activities, visit our Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/Australian-native-bee-association-Wide-bay-branch-112512193439742