We have planned a weekend of unparalleled native bee enlightenment. Below is the timetable of scheduled events, including the seven sessions of speakers, each delivering a 10-minute speech.
Program at a glance

Program Details

Social Mixer – Friday June 10
We invite all delegates and their partners to a social mixer on the evening of Friday 10th June.
Join us at the Post bar at Rydges hotel Parramatta, 116-118 James Ruse Drive, Rosehill, just over the road from the conference venue from 5 pm. We will have a registration desk open there so you can get that formality done, then buy yourself dinner and drinks.
We will also book a space after the end of events on Sunday evening to celebrate, chill, and say farewell to friends and colleagues, old and new. More info coming.
All delegates and their partners are invited to a dinner on the evening of Saturday 11th June. Price is $100 and includes a two-course meal. A cash bar will be open. Book this event when registering online.
Q&A stingless beekeeping
Following the session on Stingless bee management, consisting of a series of talks, we offer you access to a panel of experienced practitioners ready to answer your questions. This is also an opportunity to present to the audience your own observations, discoveries and breakthroughs.
Hive exhibition
To show-case and promote the diversity and ingenuity of our native bee keepers, we are once again finishing our conference with this popular, friendly but gently competitive event. Please consider entering your hive, accessory or bee hotel. Fame and fortune await the winners. Everyone is allowed to enter and it’s free; just turn up with your exhibit with a sign to describe it and builder name and contact. Also be prepared to describe it verbally to the crowd. Sales on the day are welcome.
The Rules are:
- Hives must be able to house native bees, but can be any shape or design, and made of any material
- Hives can be empty or preferably stocked with bees, ideally you have one of each.
- Hives can be standard hives which are painted/ decorated. Fire up your creative side!
- There is no limit to the number of individual entries.
The Categories are:
- People’s choice (secret ballot),
- Judges Choice,
- Best Paint Job,
- Best Native Bee/ Insect Hotel,
- Best tool, device or accessory.
The hives stocked with bees can be delivered on Saturday morning and left opened for the weekend of the conference. Otherwise just bring them along closed for the Sunday. Conditions are likely to be cool in June in Sydney, which should reduce stress on the hives.