Report of September Field trip to a macadamia farm
The Brisbane branch offered our members an insight into flowering biology and management of native bees for pollination by hosting a visit to a macadamia farm on the Sunshine Coast. The event was sold out and well received. Farmer Ben Gowen gave an overview of farm history and of growing nuts. Tim Heard described the sex life of the macadamia tree and how to manage bees on farm. Nidhi Chakma talked about her research into the foraging behaviour of the stingless bees. Dean Haley helped by splitting a few hives, including a feisty carbonaria hive which proved that it is not only hockingsi that put up a strong defence.
Steve from Native Bee Hives captured a stack of great shots from the day and posted them on his website,
For more info on branch activities, visit our Facebook page Brisbane Branch, Australian Native Bee Association,