Far North Queensland has had a hot humid and wet summer with not many of us venturing outside. The same cannot be said for our native bees. Local hives have had many swarms, both mating and takeover, and bees have been most industrious filling up honey supers as if they know a bad winter is coming. Unlikely though, as winter is our peak tourist season and the time of year we get outside to complete garden projects.
Last week our Cairns Committee met at a local brewery to map out some events for the 2024 year.
We plan to have a honey harvest of a TH hive this coming weekend March 10th during our first meeting of the year.
On March 24th we and the Cassowary Coast branch will attend the Innisfail Festival of the Senses. This festival is so much fun! Yes we’ll be there, but so are local distilleries with award winning beverages, and local farmers with produce so fresh you’ll never shop at the big supermarkets again. Last year we even had ‘quality time’ with local member Bob Katter.
April / May, date to be determined, should see us on the Tablelands. This meeting was a highlight of 2023 with crisp morning air, killer morning tea and a wonderful tour of a member’s hives.
Sunday June 2nd is the Cairns EcoFiesta which is Queensland’s premier sustainability festival. It’s a free-entry event held on the doorstep of two World Heritage areas – the Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics Rainforest. Our stall last year was overrun with visitors, we also made some great connections and are really looking to attending again this year.
So, keep an eye on ANBA Calendars up in FNQ and consider escaping the harsh winters down south to coincide with some of these wonderful events. We’d love to welcome you.
From: Stewart Clarke sclarkehk@gmail.com, Chair and Representative to ANBA
Cairns Native Bee Association Facebook group