Cassowary Coast Branch – January 2022

Great to see everyone (including some new faces) at Sue Muzic’s farm at Bartle Frere on Saturday 27 Nov. Thanks again to Sue and Bert for their hospitality.

  1. Sue showed us around the native bee hives that have established themselves around the house, shed and farm machinery. We also delved into a Telstra pit that hadn’t been opened in about 15 years. It was chocker block full of stores and it was interesting to see a sticky latex like sub-stance on one side of the cover, that Sue suspects the bees have cleaned off themselves after visiting local Jack fruit trees. Roger demonstrated how to use his home-made bee vacuum and lastly, we had a problem-solving discussion to determine why member Dave’s eduction failed and Sue’s eduction thrived.
  2. The date for the CCNBA AGM was allo-cated to Saturday, 2pm, February 5th at C4 Mission Beach. A reminder email will be sent out closer to this date.
    (C4 stands for: Community for Coastal and Cassowary Conservation. Their primary focus is cassowary and environmental conservation in Mission Beach,
  3. After the AGM, we will be looking through C4’s display centre, with the aim of CCNBA adding some type of native bee display/ information/hive to the centre in the future. We will be looking for members who would like to get involved in this project.
  4. Depending on time available, we may also be able to set up an eduction hive on the day.
  5. To those of you who are new and are non-members, we encourage you to join the ANBA (which automatically gives you membership to CCNBA) by paying mem-bership through the ANBA website:
    Kind Regards
    Liz Lang (Temporary secretary)
    Cassowary Coast Native Bee Association Facebook page,