After a short break in Tasmania and seeing real bumble bees it is back to business with the Gladstone Branch, getting ready for potential water meter rescues with the next round of meter readings in June. Already the Gladstone Men’s Shed have built us another two boxes ready to be expertly prepped by Nanette for potential new occupants.
After some resignations from our Branch Committee, Lyle Pohle Has now agreed to take on the role of Secretary.
Lyle is one of our original members and has a wealth of knowledge about keeping native bees and I am sure he will be a great asset. Thank you, Lyle, for taking on the position and welcome to the committee.
Gladstone Men’s Shed Big BBQ On the 26th March the Gladstone Men’s Shed invited us to hold a native bee display at their open day which we were only too happy to oblige. It was an opportunity for some networking and display what we are doing with regard to native bees in Gladstone. We were able to take along one of our recent rescue hives in a box constructed by the Men’s Shed, and they were able to see first hand the reason we have specific requirements for the boxes.
We also had a regal visitor on the day with the queen showing herself in the rescue hive. The Men’s Shed also have two hives located beneath some well-established macadamias which they would like us to split / educt in the near future for them and judging by the number of nuts under the trees, they are doing a good job pollinating. AA Vertical Observation Hive During my break, I travelled to Brisbane and decided the AA observation hive I did a log rescue into back on 27th Dec was ready to be relocated after just 75 days to the
Bethania Early Learning Centre for the children including my granddaughter Magnolia to observe more closely. The development of this hive was very encouraging to observe and I am sure the Centre will get much enjoyment from it. Interestingly they already have a Sugarbag Bees hive there which was split last year. Not only was the observation hive a gift to the Centre but was also recognition for 21 years of service to the now head teacher / coordinator Miss Bernie. A big thank you to Bill Kraft for his “crafty workmanship” in building the box and no doubt we will be seeing more of his work in the future
Water Meter Rescues and Fostering Project
As mentioned above we took ANBA Hive #3 along to the Men’s Shed display and everyone was very impressed by what they observed. Foster Hive #4 which was rescued back in Dec last year was relocated from Doug’s to new members as hosts Scott & Margot and
according to Margot Scott is “loving it” and getting much pleasure from witnessing their activity. Hive # 3 is also being relocated out to members Dan & Tanya. It has been a long wait for both families to get a hive but they will now be able to observe and learn
more about the continued development as they strengthen under the watchful eyes of them, as hosts and of course our Branch Co-Ordinator’s Nanette and Ross.
Nanette has just finished prepping the next two boxes ready for anticipated rescues in June From Ian Anderson
For more info on branch activities, visit our Facebook page ANBA Gladstone Branch