I have successfully convinced Gladstone Regional Council for our Branch to become contact point when they find a native bee hive in need of rescue. Meters are currently being read and the calls are coming.
I have been enjoying the much milder conditions on Cape York. Whilst I have been away, I have been involved with Tangaroa Blue Foundation conducting beach cleanups at both Mapoon and Chili Beach where we re-moved over 7 tonnes of marine debris from both locations. If you are interested in the work of Tangaroa,
I invite you to check out our website & Facebook pages and who knows you may want to join me in the future, just go to our events page for details. https://www.tangaroablue.org/ https://www.facebook.com/tangaroa.blue
It was not all beach cleanups while away though, whilst staying with good friend Neale Dahl and Mim at Chili Beach. Neale was an excellent host, treating us to several fishing trips and looking after us while we were there. As some form of compensation for his generosity I located several stingless bee hives on his property which
Photos: Shows one of the log hives in the branch of a tree that was damaged in recent cyclone, part of it was still in the fallen branch on the ground. It was not until we opened it up that to my surprise there was actually 2 separate broods in the log. See dual entrances below left
Needless to say I had to provide Neale with the OATH Hive design and he then immediately went about building 3 boxes in readiness for the rescue albeit not exactly to the OATH specifications as he had to make do with what materials he had on hand (no Bunnings on Cape York). We left him with broods transferred into all 3 hives and they were looking extremely active at time of departure. He actually has a 4th hive located in the wall of his house but we decided not to disturb this. I have also purchased a copy of the Tim Heard’s Native Bee Book which is now on the way to Neale for further reading.
Photos: Two of the new hives constructed by Neale
Back to rescuing hives located in water meter boxes around the region that they find as part of their 6 monthy readings. A total of 17 hives were reported to us by GRC. 13 of these were rescued successfully and 1 still to check. This is a great partnership arrangement we now have with the Council in preserving the bees and a great way for some of our members to get started.
Now that I am back home, I am looking forward to seeing what our other members have been up to in my lengthy absence. The group called a meeting in July and from all accounts for those able to attend was a very productive meeting and I believe some discussion around water meter rescues
For more info on branch activities, visit our Facebook page ANBA Glad-stone Branch, https://www.facebook.com/groups/480678232538075
From Ian Anderson