The Rockhampton branch held its second meeting for 2024 with a record attendance, despite showers throughout the event. Lloyd gave feedback on some interesting zoom workshops he has attended since the last meeting, particularly with Dr Natahsa Hungerford about native bee honey properties and Dr James Mackinson with pollinating mangoes using Tetragonula bees. New branded shirts and business cards were distributed for use and discussion. After the more formal part of the meeting, Lloyd got to work on the practical emonstrations.
Firstly, he and Alistair carried out a TH hive transfer from a very old huge OATH hive into two vertical split hives, ably assisted by Tony. This also allowed Bob to demonstrate the use of a bee vacuum for beginning beekeepers. Later, Lloyd presented some interesting facts about Austroplebeia species, and after explaining why, he showed members how to conduct a brood lift from one of his stronger hives. It was a great opportunity for those present to have their many questions answered by the more experienced in the group. Some invited guests also appreciated the opportunity to have their interest in native bees progressed. We all know where that is heading. Members also got to congratulate our very supportive Cr Shane Latcham on his re-election to the local council.
From Marg Barry, Secretary,
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