Report from April meeting
The April branch meeting was held at Dan Coughlan’s home in North Rockhampton. While Dan has a lovely garden, the rain brought members under shelter very quickly! There was a plan to do a log to hive transfer during the meeting, but Lloyd made a good call the day before in postponing this until later in the year. Fourteen members and nine guests had an informative session, with the usual generous sharing of ideas and experience.
Branch Business
Highlights from the most recent Branch Management Zoom meeting were presented by Lloyd.
Rockhampton Regional Councillor Shane Latcham attended as a guest, and addressed questions about how to best progress a request to amend local by-laws relating to native bees. A decision was made to raise a petition, which Shane has kindly offered to table at the next council meeting.
Native bee education continues in our local area with a growing number of education and child care settings reaching out to branch members. ANBA poster sets have been provided to three education facilities and are being displayed for staff, parents’ and students’ interest. Recently Lloyd and Marg attended Emu Park State School where Lloyd demonstrated a hive split for teacher Kellie Olarenshaw and some very enthusiastic students. The students raised funds for a hive by selling mulch, and the bees were donated. There were some great questions, including “Can any other bee be the queen just for a day?” and “Where is the king?”
Members are appreciative of the invitation to join the Fitzroy Regional Beekeepers Association members at the Apiculture stand at the upcoming Rockhampton show in June. Volunteers at all levels of experience are welcome in the interests of promoting native bee keeping and education. As the year progresses, members will also be getting organised for a one-day local native bee expo in September hosting Dr Tim Heard.
Bill Mike shared his recent successes with feeding bees at times. He uses a sugar, water, citric acid mix and places the mix in a simple container outside the hive. His practical example was most interesting. Discussion was held about for/against arguments regarding outcomes.
To close the meeting, Murray Smith [on behalf of members] thanked Dan and Deb, as the meeting’s hosts, for welcoming members and guests to their home and garden.
Sharing Session
Once meeting formalities were concluded, members enjoyed morning tea, and more experienced members shared information with those keen to learn.
From Marg Barry, Secretary / Treasurer,