Rockhampton branch – October 2023

With the return of warm weather, members have been busily engaged in some interesting native-bee related activities. Late last month, new member Jan McSweeney invited experienced keeper Dave Goodsall to her home to rescue not one but two TH hives from inverted plant pots in the understory of her garden. Dave’s knowledge and patience were essential in ensuring the procedure was done as gently as possible. Jan kindly donated one of these hives to another new member Lyle Mitchell.

In late October, Lloyd Younger’s presentation on Australian Native Bees was once again a popular community event, held at the delightful, tropical Tanby Garden Centre on the Capricorn Coast. He demonstrated a vertical hive split which was per-formed with skill and speed – hardly a bee came out to see what was happening! There were lots of questions following.

After the success of the September workshop, members are gearing up to represent ANBA Rockhamp-ton branch at the upcoming Urban Agriculture and Sustainability Expo. The event will be held during Urban Agriculture month, on Sunday 12 November 2023 at Tanby Garden Centre, from 9am – 1pm. Members are invited to attend as a volunteer, or just swing by our stall and say hello. There will be some working display hives and hive split demonstrations. It is being organised by the Livingstone Shire Council and there will be many stalls of interest to bee lovers.

Meanwhile, we look forward to our next branch meeting, with a focus on Austroplebeia cassiae bees and a chance for new members to ask questions over a relaxed morning tea. Look for our new tear-drop banner outside Ian’s place.