On Saturday, 15th April 2023, the Wide Bay Branch of the ANBA held its monthly meeting. There was a great turnout for
this meeting with varying Australian Native Bee issues being covered. Our Chairman, Trevor, discussed a visit he and some
members made to a home in Wallaville (a rural township to the north of Bundaberg) to view the Blue Banded bees that relocated
in the owner’s garden.
An in-depth discussion was held on “Understanding the Highly Social Bees” – a section of Tim Heard’s book – with all members
contributing to the discussion. Several possible pest specimens were brought to the meeting for identification, and an informative
and interesting discussion resulted.
To top the meeting off, a log-transfer was undertaken. (This log and bee nest had been cut into sections for firewood by a local
timber cutter who fortunately recognised the presence of the bees). The log was donated to the Wide Bay Branch of the
ANBA by Tony and Sharon Harvey of Wide Bay Stingless Bees, and we sincerely thank them for their kind donation.
The transfer was necessary as the log had been cut into sections and went exceptionally well, with the brood and bees making their
new home in a new hive box. This hive will be tended by members of the Branch and when ready, will be used to create more
hives, with the ultimate goal being the ability to place hives in local kindergartens, schools, etc. for the education of the importance
of bees for the environment being instilled in upcoming generations.
From Stephen Curran, Secretary, Wide Bay Branch
Visit our Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/Australian-native-bee-association-Wide-bay-branch-112512193439742