Wide Bay Branch – November 2023

Wide Bay branchThe November meeting of the Wide Bay Branch was well attended by members and began with a discussion about the concept of providing supplemental food to hives during seasons when poor foraging conditions caused hives to struggle. The merits of sugar water and honey mixes were discussed, with several members offering information about their experiences with these approaches, including what food-water ratios and feeding tools were most effective. Two members noted good success with very different methods: a 20% sugar-in-water mix sup-plied externally via a solution-soaked wick; and fresh honey bee honey poured directly into a small receptacle inside the hive. It was also discussed that the sugar-water may be preferable as against the honey method as avoids the risk of transferring diseases.
The Branch also discussed the theory and practicalities around setting up successful eductions. This was sup-ported by viewing a number of eductions currently underway on site. Members were interested to learn from the meeting host, Trevor, who demonstrated the results of seeding the daughter hives with brood from donor hives.
There was much discussion between members on varied topics of interest to members.
Wide Bay Branch looks forward to welcoming native bee enthusiasts old and new at the upcoming workshop, to be run by Ian Driver.
From Stephen Curran, Secretary, Wide Bay Branch
For more info on branch activities, visit our Facebook page.