The Australian Native Bee Association Inc. (ANBA) is registered to operate nationwide, and we encourage local branches to form.

Upon joining the association, members choose to affiliate with a local branch or remain unaffiliated.

Twelve branches (Brisbane, Sydney, Mid North Coast NSW, Coffs Harbour, Cairns, Cassowary Coast, Rockhampton, Gladstone, Hunter, Darwin, Wide Bay and Illawarra/Shoalhaven have already formed. Branches retain some autonomy but need to follow a few guidelines as stated under The Rules of the ANBA. Some of these guidelines are:

  • One or two local people need to prepare to form a branch. They should inform their intentions to the ANBA secretary.
  • The local organisers should plan a meeting of the potential branch and set a date and place. The local organisers should recruit two or more people to form the branch executive.
  • A meeting of the potential branch needs to be called with the aim of voting to form a branch and to elect an executive. The meeting should be advertised locally and widely through the ANBA.
  • There needs to be a minimum of five (5) financial members of ANBA present at the meeting
  • The organiser should put a motion to form a branch
  • The organiser should put a motion to elect the branch Executive (Chairperson and Secretary/Treasurer or Secretary and Treasurer plus other officers as appropriate. The duties of the Branch Secretary include keeping proper books and accounts and preparing annual statements.)
  • At this meeting there needs to be a record kept of those in attendance, the mover and seconder of the motions and the results of the votes.
  • These details need to be forwarded to the Secretary of the ANBA.
  • The ANBA Management Committee (MC) authorises the branch.
  • Any Branch funds left over after paying all membership fees to the Secretary of the Association, is the property of the Branch concerned and shall be banked in the name of the Branch.
  • The Branch must meet at least three (3) times per year.
  • Branches need to adhere to the Objectives of the ANBA.
  • Branch meetings provide a forum to enlighten members of the Branch on aspects of Australian native bees.
  • The Branch is covered by the ANBA Public Liability policy provided it adheres to the Rules and any activities are authorised by the Branch.
  • The Branch is entitled to nominate a person to the ANBA MC.
  • The branch must hold an Annual General Meeting to elect positions and report financials. A suggested agenda for this meeting is available upon request.

For further information contact Secretary

Download a draft Branch AGM Agenda HERE.

Download a draft Branch executive position nomination form HERE