Vision, Mission and Pillars 2022-2023
Australian native bees are valued and protected
The ANBA promotes the conservation, cultural significance and sustainable management of all Australian native bees.
The ANBA promotes the development of native bee products and services to benefit agriculture, the community and the environment.
Six pillars will guide ANBA to achieve its mission
1. Providing education, awareness, and community support for Australia’s native bees
2. Enabling and assisting branches to support active, inclusive, and respectful member communities
3. Supporting research that enhances the health and wellbeing of native bees and/or the use of native bees in agriculture and the environment and/or development of the native bee products.
4. Engaging with indigenous communities and interests for mutual exchange of knowledge
5. Advocating as the peak body to ensure the health and wellbeing of managed and wild native bees
6. Providing sustainable governance and management of the association

Download the full 8 page PDF – Australian Native Bee Association – Strategic Plan