Bryony Willcox
University of New England
Currently: University of Reading, UK
Get a summary of years of field work on the pollinating insects of subtropical tree crops avocado, mango and macadamia in this this month’s feature article by Bryony Willcox.
Bryony’s bio: I completed my PhD at the University of New England working with Assoc Prof Romina Rader (UNE), Prof Andrew Robson (UNE) and Dr Brad Howlett (Plant and Food Research NZ) and many other amazing people along the way! Following my PhD research, I moved to the UK to take up a Postdoc position in the Sustainable Land Management group at The University of Reading. In my current role I am working with researchers and small-holders in India to investigate sustainable management practices that will help to support local biodiversity and important ecosystem services (pest regulation and pollination), crop production and farmer livelihoods.