Hive Exhibition – December 5 – Brisbane

For several years now, the Brisbane club have been conducting an annual hive competition. There are prizes! This has always proven to be a very popular event, with many entries, and lots of public who come to be a part of this event.

Anyone is allowed to enter the hive competition; you do not even have to be a member of the ANBA. We want to show-case and promote the diversity and ingenuity of our bee-keepers.

There are many categories that hives can be entered under. There is also a category for our solitary bees because we simply cannot neglect these important pollinators. And we have a special visitor lined up to judge.

The Categories are:

  1. People’s choice (secret ballot),
  2. Judges Choice. Judge yet to be selected,
  3. Best Paint Job,
  4. Best Native Bee/ Insect Hotel, (Note there were no entries in this category last year, so could be an easier one to win you prize)
  5. Best tool, device or accessory.
    The Rules are:
    • Hives can be made of any material and can be any shape or design but must be able to house native bees.
    • Hives can be full or empty of actual bees, ideally you have one of each.
    • Hives can be standard hives which are painted/ decorated. Fire up your creative side!
    • There is no limit to the number of individual entries.
    Dean Haley

All are welcome to attend in person, $5 fee for non-members. We will attend to some branch business following the talk from 2-3 pm.  ANBA members can attend by Zoom, a link to join this meeting will be sent by email prior to the event.