Coffs Harbour ANBA – 2nd native bee hive installation

On Friday 29th December the Coffs Harbour Branch installed a native bee hive at the Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary as part of their ‘Host a Hive’ program. This is the second hive installed by the Branch, the first is located in the Regional Botanical Gardens. The species of these native bees is Tetragonula Carbonaria. The aim of this program is to increase awareness of these fascinating native pollinators in community and educational settings on the Mid North Coast.

The hive was placed into position by Tiga Cross, owner and Managing Director of Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary, and Elaine Bean, Chairperson of ANBA Coffs Harbour branch. It is safely housed in a security cage from local custom metal fabrication expert Jason Atkinson of Acko Kustoms. The unique stand was handcrafted from a single log by Rob Reid, of the maintenance team at the Sanctuary.

The hive is located in the sustainability garden at the Sanctuary, providing visitors the opportunity to sit and enjoy these tiny insects. It will be monitored and maintained by ANBA. Despite their small size, these little pollinators are essential for diversity and supporting our ecosystem.

The Coffs Harbour branch is thrilled to be associated with the CCWS. The passion and enthusiasm shown by Tiga for the environment and it’s creatures, no matter what their size, is inspirational. We look forward to a long and beneficial relationship.

Feature image: Left to right (adults only) Todd Ramsay, James Orr, Elaine Bean, Tiga Cross (owner of CCWS), Tobias Smith