Member Resources

Cross Pollinator Newsletter

Read exclusive feature articles. Get up to date on some recent native bee research. Find details of the next meetings and events of the Australian Native Bee Association. Members are sent an email every month with a download link for the latest edition.


Branches should list all their events in the ANBA Event Calendar.

Events that are listed in the ANBA event calendar are also promoted in the The Cross Pollinator Newsletter and on the ANBA Facebook page

  • Website:
  • Newsletter:

ANBA Posters

The ANBA has developed a set of 10 posters to use at field days, information stands, events, etc. These can be printed in various forms. They were designed for A3 posters. ANBA Branches can contact us for high resolution pdf format files suitable for printing,

Plant Health Australia Posters

Plant Health Australia created a set of posters with information around biosecurity and pests of native bees

Book Reviews

Check out our very own book review section on the website. If you'd like to submit a review for the website and newsletter please contact

Live Animal Transport Certificate

A live animal transport certificate, for sending hives by Australia Post is available for ANBA members to download a copy

ANBA Conferences

The full Program Books for the Australian Native Bee Conferences, are available for download here:

Best Practice for Buyers & Sellers


If you wish to join in a manner other than the standard online membership application in the Join Us page, then download the form, print it out and send it to us.

Membership Mobile APP (optional)
The APP is called Wild Apricot for Members. For Apple and Smartphones. Easily access your account, check and register for events. 


Form A Local Branch

ANBA Rules

Rules updated September 2024

ANBA Strategic Plan

Vision, Mission and Pillars 2022-2023

Agrifutures Strategic Plan

Australian Native Bee Strategic RD&E Plan. Free 78 page PDF download "The development of a Strategic Research, Development and Extension (RD&E) Plan is a crucial first step in growth for an emerging industry.

ANBA Logos

ANBA allows limited use of it’s logos for advertising or promoting of ANBA members websites, related information or events. ANBA members are encouraged to place the ANBA logo on their websites with a link back to this website:

Right click on the image and “Save” to your computer. These can be resized to appear smaller on your website if preferred.

For high resolution images of all logos and other images used for signs, banners and marquees please contact

Also see: ANBA Branding Guidelines PDF